Two and a half minutes to midnight

User: City Preshtera
Partners: Primary School Sv. Patriarch (Bulgaria), Regional Energy Agency Pazardijk (Bulgaria), Communal Enterprise “Vodovod Kochani” (Macedonia), Primary School Krste P. Misirkov (Macedonia), Macedonian Geothermal Association, Town Ludbreg, Ludbreg´s Elementary School, Regional Energy Agency North
Estimated duration of implementation: 2 years
Amount of funds received: 106. 120,00 kuna
Total project amount: HRK 1.020.874,40

Added value of the project:
By implementing the project, the competences and skills of teachers and pupils of elementary schools will be increased for a better understanding of climate change issues. Students will be encouraged to address the problem by using renewable energy sources outside the classroom as well as to develop skills and thinking about predicting climate change and to encourage critical thinking about the main causes of this natural phenomenon.

General description of the project:
This project will develop a new approach to education and solving climate change problems in elementary schools and will provide theoretical and practical education tools for elementary school students in Bulgaria, Macedonia and Croatia. The project is approved within the framework of the Erasmus+ program.
During the project, a Manual for elementary school teachers will be developed on how to teach children about theoretical and practical part of climate change. Also a document for strategic partnership between public bodies, associations and educational institutions will be developed. 120 students in three primary schools will be involved in long-term education to improve their knowledge and skills related to climate change and top 9 students from each school will participate in the transnational climate change competition.